Our fresh frozen pasta lines for foodservice

Canuti produce fresh frozen pasta for the foodservice with slow bronze die extrusion,  thought for exalt its flavours.

Porcini mushrooms

  • Giant Tortelloni with Porcini Mushrooms

    Prepared only with porcini mushrooms sautéed and flavoured with mixed vegetables.Ideal for pairing with meat, cheese or vegetable-based dressings.
  • Cappelli with Porcini Mushrooms

    Prepared only with porcini mushrooms sautéed and flavoured with mixed vegetables.Ideal for pairing with meat, cheese or vegetable-based dressings.
  • Raviolacci with Porcini and Mushrooms

    Classic single sheet format with a generous size and high percentage of soft and creamy filling.Rediscover these traditional Raviolacci filled with ...
  • Tortelloni with Porcini Mushrooms

    Rediscover these traditional Tortelloni filled with high-value porcini mushhrooms thinly diced and cooked with oil, garlic and parsley.

Discover our recipes!

Prepared by our Chefs and thought for professionals